Building out email templates at a personal or team level can be an extremely valuable way to save your time later on. With a template, you can easily put together your content for easy access in the future.
- Where to Add/Edit Email Templates
- My Email Templates
- Team Email Templates
- Using My/Team Email Templates
- Automated Emails
- Email Templates Report
- FAQs
Where to Add/Edit Email Templates
Navigate to Settings >Communications > Email > Email Templates
Each of the available template types will be reviewed in detail below.
Email Template Folders
Email Template Folders have been added to help users organize their email templates. This feature has been added to Settings → Email → My Email Templates
Add a New Folder
Everyone can add 'My Folder', but users must have the following permission enabled to create a 'Team Folder':
- Enterprise:
- Manage Templates - Entire Company: Can create Folders for the entire company
- Manage Templates - User's Group: Can create Folders for their group
If users do not have the permission enabled, they can only create 'My Folder':
All users can see and search by folders that they have created in 'My Folders' as well as 'Office or Team Folders' that have been shared with them, by clicking the dropdown menu:
When creating a new email template, you have the option to select which folder the template belongs in. The template does not have to be put in a folder.
You will be given the option to create one of two types of templates:
- Classic Email Editor
- Drag-and-Drop Email Editor
Plain Text will look familiar, as it uses the old editor.
The Rich Text editor is an all-new interface allowing more dynamic, modern designs. You can add text, images, buttons, social media, dividers, tables, and listings to your templates. Learn more about the Drag-and-Drop Email Editor here: How to Use the Drag-and-Drop Email Editor
Click the Settings Cog Wheel next to an existing template to move it into a folder:
When adding an email template to a Smart Plan or when emailing a lead, the email template can be searched by Folder:
Add an internal name to remember the email template, give the email a subject (customer-facing), and then add your content. You can do all of the following within an email template:
- Edit font type, color, size, and style
- Add bullet lists
- Adjust alignment
- Add hyperlinks
- Insert images
- Attach files (see below for size limits)
- Add horizontal lines
- Embed a source code with a custom design
- Add a BombBomb video (see BombBomb Integration)
- Insert a YouTube video
- Add basic emojis
- Embed listings into the email
- Add custom variables for both lead data (name, contact information, preferences, etc.) as well as agent data (name, contact information, signature, etc.). See Email and Text Variables.
Click on the Preview button to preview the email. The preview will not replace the variable information, so don't worry if you don't see what you expect in those spots, but the preview will allow you to see the email without the editor options. It's always a good idea to send an email template to yourself to make sure it looks like expected.
If you are ready to save the email template, click on the blue Save button and it will be added to your list of templates for future use.
Edit/Manage an Existing Template
Use the icons on the far-right side to copy, edit, or delete an email template. If you copy a template, you can only copy it within the My Email Templates section, not to Team or Office Email Templates.
Team and Office Email Templates
The email templates in this section are available for all users in an office or team to use, but only those with the "Team or Office Templates" permission (see Permissions) can add or edit new templates here.
All other options to add, edit, or manage templates in this section are the same as with My Email Templates outlined above.
Using My Team and Office Email Templates
It's important to know where you can use email templates. They can be used in the following locations.
Individual Emails
From a lead profile page, click on the Email option:
Click on the Template drop-down to choose from either a "My Template" or a "Team or Office Template."
Mass Emails
Navigate to People and apply any filters, etc., and select the leads that you would like to send a mass email to, then click Mass Email:
Select the email template that you would like to use:
Smart Plans
While editing a Smart Plan, you can choose the option to send an Auto Email. Select the Template drop-down and select the template you would like to use here.
*IMPORTANT: Please note that when you pull a template into a Smart Plan it brings in a copy of that template. This means that if you were to go and edit the original email template, it would not edit the email content wherever used in a Smart Plan.
For more information regarding Smart Plans, see Smart Plans.
Automated Emails
There are four different types of automated email templates that you can edit and each is reviewed in detail below.
Welcome Email
More information on working with the Welcome Email can be found here: Set Up the Welcome Email.
Property Alert, Market Snapshot, Market Report, and Double Opt-In
As a quick summary, these are all emails that are sent out to home buyers/sellers to make them aware of new listings, sold properties (if MLS data is available and accessible to Lofty), and the general state of the market. Double Opt-In is automated emails verifying with your lead that they want to be contacted.
For "Property Alert" and "Market Snapshot," there are two templates here--one for when only a "single property" is being sent to them (only one property matches their criteria) and one for when there are "multiple properties."
Click on the Edit icon at the right to edit each template:
You will notice that there are many different variables in the "Subject" line. Normally, you will want to leave those alone. But if you would like to customize the subject to something different, you can go ahead and do so.
You will find the variables under "Agent Variables" if you need to use them again in the future:
When editing any of these email templates, you are only able to edit the "Subject" and the initial message.
What is included after the initial message cannot be edited and will include any matching listings for the type of email that it is as well as a pre-populated signature based on the information provided in your Profile (see Complete your Lofty Profile, Email Signature).
For example, below is a property alert email and the only parts of the template that you can edit are those highlighted in the red boxes--everything else is populated automatically by the system.
For more information on property alerts, see Property Alerts & Market Snapshots (Lead Engagement).
More information regarding market reports can be found here: Market Reports.
Email Templates Report
This report simply shows the different email templates, the name of the template, the total sent, and the open rate for that template. It can be utilized to track the effectiveness of an email template based on the open rate.
Q: What is the maximum file size for an email attachment?
A: The maximum size limit for email attachments is 2 MB. Depending on the size of the file, however, Lofty has two different methods of attachment outlined here:
- If the attachments uploaded are less than 2 MB, the email attachments will be added directly to the email.
- If the attachments uploaded are more than 2 MB, Lofty will convert the attachments into download links that are then inserted into the email.
Q: Can I update the header on automated emails?
A: No, the header on automated emails is synced with the website header.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please get in touch with our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your CRM.
Related terms: email attachment, maximum file size, email link, file size
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