Lofty offers two (2) ways to create email templates, our classic, text based email editor, and our rich-text drag-and-drop email editor. This article shows you in detail how to create a stunning email template using the drag-and-drop email editor.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Find your email settings by navigating to Settings > Communication > Email. Next, select the Folder the email template belongs in or create a new folder.
Click + Add Template and select Drag-and-Drop Email Editor.
The drag-and-drop email editor offers several blocks to fully customize your email templates with text, images, buttons, and more! Each block is outlined below.
Content Blocks
Drag the Text block to the editing panel to add text to the email template.
There are a few tools to adjust the text. You are able to change the font, change the text format, highlight, add a clickable link to the text, and insert system variables. The right side panel allows you to customize the text attributes.
Drag the Image block to the editing panel to insert a single image into the email template.
Upload the image in the right side panel. If you want the image to be an agent's photo, toggle on the Mark this picture as agent photo setting in the right side panel. This will automatically make the image the agent's headshot that they uploaded to their Lofty profile.
Drag the Button block to the editing panel to insert a clickable button that will redirect to the URL provided in the right side panel.
The button text can be customized in the right side panel and you have the option to open the URL in a new tab or redirect from the email itself.
Drag the Social block to the editing panel to insert links to your integrated social media accounts.
Update the layout and design style in the right side panel. The social media icons and redirect URLs can also be edited.
Drag the Divider block to add a dividing line between blocks.
Drag the Spacer block to add a space between blocks.
Drag the Table block to add a table to the email body.
Drag the Listing block to insert a listing card into the email body.
Your email template can have up to three (3) columns. Drag and drop the content blocks outlined above to customize the email layout.
Click the Computer or Phone icons to view the email template as it will look on desktop or mobile. Navigate back to the editor to make any edits to the template.
Save the template to add the subject line for the email, a name to find the template quickly, and a folder to keep your email template organized!
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please get in touch with our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your CRM.
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