*Please note that the availability of certain features outlined in these release notes will vary depending on the package and add-ons that you have purchased as well as the account type that you have (admin/agent user). For any questions related to your Lofty package or feature availability, please contact Lofty Support (
Release Date
Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
CRM 3.45
Transaction Management: Task Assignee Optimization
Oftentimes, when a task is generated by a Transaction Checklist that is supposed to be assigned to a specific custom role, there is no one assigned to that custom role for the transaction. By default, that transaction task is assigned to the transaction owner. This update will make it easier to assign those tasks to the right person. Anyone that has access to see the transaction can change the contacts–not just the transaction owner.
Here is what has been updated:
New Logic
1 |
The transaction owner can choose to assign the unfinished tasks to the contact being added to the custom role. |
2 |
The transaction owner will see a prompt informing them that there are unfinished tasks. If they proceed, these tasks will be assigned to the transaction owner. |
3 |
The transaction owner will be able to choose from two different options in this scenario:
Sending Email Address Setting
See Sending Email Address for more information on the sending email address. This update gives account admins access to change the sending email address. This setting is available on all packages.
The following have access to control this setting:
- Team Packages
- Team Owner
- Those with the "Manage User" permissions
- Enterprise Packages
- Company Owner
- Group Owners/Admins who have been given access to manage their own groups/subgroups
When adding an agent user to the account or editing their agent profile, those with edit access can set the email prefix and domain for their sending email address.
The domain can be changed according to the following logic:
- Team Packages
- Can choose between the following two options:
- Team Website Domain
- Can choose between the following two options:
- Multi-Team Packages
- Can choose between the following two options:
- Multi-Team Website Domain
- Team Website Domain
- Can choose between the following two options:
- Enterprise Packages
- Can choose between the following two options:
- Company Website Domain (default only when doing CSV import)
- Group Website Domain (default)
- Can choose between the following two options:
These admins can also choose to give individual agent users on their account access to edit their own sending email addresses.
If the individual user has access, they will be able to edit this under Settings > Preferences > Sending Email.
Mobile App QR Codes
QR codes for the iOS and Android Lofty mobile apps are now visible under the ? icon in the top-right of the CRM.
When hovering over either iOS or Android, the QR code for that platform will be enlarged:
Zapier "New Lead Created" Trigger Options
A new setting has been added to the Zapier integration:
Here is what the two options mean:
The option to trigger as a New Lead in Zapier "Before & after lead routing" means that when a lead enters the CRM, it will trigger the New Lead event twice: (1) when the lead first enters the system, it will be triggered for the user whose account brought the lead into the Lofty platform and (2) when the lead has finished going through lead routing, it will be triggered for the final assignee if they have a Zap set up.
- This option is what was live by default for all users prior to this update.
- Users with Zapier integrations already configured will continue to have this option selected by default to avoid causing issues. It can be manually changed if desired.
Alternatively, choose "After lead routing is finalized" to only have the Zap trigger after lead routing has been finalized.
- This will be the default option for new Zapier integrations that are configured.
This setting only applies to leads where the user configuring the Zapier integration is the primary owner of the lead.
Design Center: Brand Kit Logo Syncing
This update to the Design Center allows for the logo to be changed (previously not supported).
*IMPORTANT: If the logo is changed here, it will also change on the associated Lofty -built website.
Site 5.33
Social Studio: Official Release & Updates
Official Release
All users can now access the basic version of the Lofty Social Studio under Campaigns > Social Studio:
The following updates have been made to the Social Studio tool
(1) Post Detail Pages
Each post has a post detail page that will look similar to the one below. The engagement data is only available from Instagram and Facebook.
(2) Blog Posting
Users can now select a blog post from their blog written on Lofty and share this to social media.
- Only clients using the Lofty Blog Editor (see here) can post via Social Studio. WordPress blog users will not have this option.
- Only blog posts that have been published will be available to post via Social Studio
- When posting a blog or a landing page, the preview/social images will not currently generate because the shortened URL is used. This will be optimized in the future.
- Only one blog post can be posted at a time
- The source for leads captured here will be "Social Studio"
Select the post that you want to share on social media. Only one post can be selected.
The social post will automatically have the blog post link embedded.
There will be new CTAs visible on the blog post options list to post directly from there to social media as well:
(3) Landing Page Posting
Users can now post a landing page directly via Social Studio.
- When posting a blog or a landing page, the preview/social images will not currently generate because the shortened URL is used. This will be optimized in the future.
- The source for leads captured here will be "Social Studio"
Search for and select the landing page that you want to post to social media.
The landing page URL will be added to the social post automatically.
Also, when clicking the Share button from the landing page list, you will now be directed to the Social Studio to post to social media:
Office Listing Filter Optimization
When having your listings filtered by office listings, another option is now available: Filter by User MLS Agent IDs.
Filter by. . .
- MLS Office ID
- Individual MLS Agent IDs that are part of your Lofty instance
CMA Tool: New Pages
The Lofty CMA has had three new pages added.
These two pages have been added to the seller template by default:
This page has been added to the buyer template by default:
Smart Listings: Sold Listings Supported
A new toggle has been added to Listing Discovery > My Listings to Show Sold Listings. Previously, sold listings were not recorded.
Please note the following:
- Sold pocket listings will be displayed
- Sold listing data will depend on the MLS sold feed. If that feed only displays sold listings during a certain time period, that same time period will be reflected with this feature.
The listings related to the Lofty user as either the listing agent or the co-listing agent will be displayed when the Show Sold Listings toggle is turned on.
The "Sold" Smart Listing pages will look similar to the active Smart Listing pages with the exception of the matched buyer list that is normally in the top-right not being visible. Campaign details/statistics for any tools utilized when the listing was active will be shown, but tools such as property promotions, open house tools, and text codes will not be active as they are not designed for sold listings.
Home Valuation Improvements
After a site visitor provides their information and triggers the home valuation results page, they will see the following improvements after this update:
(1) A new CTA to "Request a Comparative Market Analysis" has been added to this page.
(2) A new "Nearby Homes" section will be displayed showing nearby properties in the same price range and general location.
AI Assistant: Manual Triggers and Recommendations
This feature was previously released as part of a closed beta but is now live for all users with the AI Assistant.
Please see all details at AI Assistant: Manual Triggers and Recommendations.
AI Assistant: Improved Cool-down Period
If the AI Assistant qualification process of a lead has finished but a lead continues to have activity on the Lofty-built website, the AI Assistant will not text the lead immediately. Instead, it will have a 24-hour cool-down period in order to not be too aggressive. For manual AI triggers, if users choose a specific objective for the AI, there is no cool-down period.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your Lofty CRM.
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