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When you create a transaction in Lofty, you can apply a checklist that will automatically create tasks as you move the transaction to the next stages of the pipeline. In simple terms, the checklists can provide a templated set of tasks that can be made available to the team as they manage transactions.
- You are only able to create a maximum of 10 checklist templates for all transaction types. If a new template is needed, you will have to delete an existing one.
- If you edit/create/delete transaction stages, do not forget to update your checklist templates
The Team Owner/Admin or users who have the "Manage Team" permission have access to create checklist templates (see "Set Up Checklists" below).
All users on the team can access checklists that have been created.
For more information regarding permissions, see Team Permissions.
Set Up Checklists
To create a checklist, navigate to Settings > Checklist Templates > + Add Checklist:
First, you will want to give your checklist a name so that you can easily reference it later:
Next, you will choose the Transaction Type that you want this checklist to be available for. This means that whenever you add a new transaction, you will want to make sure that its transaction type matches up with the checklists that you want to apply. You cannot create different transaction types, only these four are available.
If you are on an Enterprise account, the checklist can be made available at the Company level or for a Group in the Organization Hierarchy. Each Hierarchy Group can add up to 30 Transaction checklists.
Choose the stage where you would like to add the tasks. Simply click on the + Add a Task button under the stage where you would like to add the task. The stages will correspond with what you have configured under the Transaction Management page. If you add/edit/remove a new state under transaction management for a certain transaction type, it will be reflected here automatically.
You will then create the task by giving it a name/description. When the task is created, this is the actual title of the task:
For Assign To you can choose the transaction owner or other transaction roles. These roles must be defined in the transaction role section of the CRM. For more information go here.
Choose either "No Due Date" or choose a Due Date. This will have to be associated with a date listed on the transaction details. If you would like the due date to be on a specific date simply choose "0 Day(s)" before/after. You can add custom date fields (see Transaction Management Introduction > Transaction Custom Dates).
If you would like to set up a reminder, you can do so either by SMS, call, or push notification. Please note that a call/text package must be active in order for this reminder feature to work.
The order of transaction checklist tasks can be adjusted when building out the checklist templates. When a transaction moves to the corresponding stage, all tasks will still trigger, but they will be in the order created within the checklist template.
Once you are finished adding the tasks where you would like them at the stages, be sure to click on the blue Save button at the bottom right so that the checklist is complete.
Using Checklists
Please note that transaction checklists do not auto-apply like Smart Plans. They must be applied manually to a transaction.
To apply a checklist to a transaction, first, get to the transaction detail page. You can do so in two ways:
(a) via a lead detail page
(b) via the Transaction Management page
Once you are on a transaction detail page, you will then click on either of the following options to apply a checklist to the transaction:
You will then choose the checklist that you want to apply to the transaction. The only ones that you will see on this list are those that match this transaction type. Click the blue Confirm button to apply it to the transaction.
If you have tasks that trigger based on the stage you are currently on, they will appear immediately on the transaction detail page:
As you move the transaction to a new stage ("Under Contract" in this screenshot below), the other tasks will be created as well. You may have to refresh your browser in order for the new tasks to appear. Note that if you go back to a previous stage in the pipeline, it will not delete the tasks that have already been created.
To mark a transaction as complete, simply click on the checkbox next to the task or click on the line itself to see all of the available options which include call, text, email, or upload, all of which can mark the task as complete.
Viewing Tasks
There are a few locations where you can view tasks that need to be completed on a transaction.
On a transaction detail page:
On the transaction page
On a lead profile page
On the Tasks page
Completed Task must be opted into being shown, this option is under Actions.
Task Presentation
All transaction tasks are now displayed under a transaction stage. This makes keeping old and new tasks in the right order will be much easier to accomplish.
Individual Transaction Task Organization & Reminders
When adding an individual task from a transaction detail page (see screenshot below), you can also establish reminders just as outlined in the functionality above for checklist tasks. Reminders were previously unavailable for individual tasks added to a transaction.
Individual tasks can now also be assigned to anyone listed on the Contacts page of that specific transaction.
*IMPORTANT: If you are creating an individual task on a transaction record and attempting to assign it to someone other than the Transaction Owner, be sure that you actually have other users on your account assigned on the Contacts page to the roles you are attempting to assign to. If you do not have people in the appropriate contact transaction role, you will not be able to assign any individual tasks to them.
Also, when creating an individual task for a transaction, you need to define the Related Stage. This is required. Doing so will place the task in the appropriate list now that tasks are separated by transaction stages.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your Lofty CRM.
Related terms: Transaction checklist, transaction page
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