Key Takeaways
- Resend Listings with Changed Price or Status through Buyer/Seller Alert (Web)
- Auto Seller Alert Creation (Web)
- Edit Price & Unit for Properties (Web & App)
- Create Multiple Properties When Adding a Lead (Web)
- Choose the Sources for Lead Routing (Web)
- Guidance for New Users of Dialer (Web)
- New Web Push Notifications User Interface (Web)
- Add Reminder Settings for Task and Appointment (Web)
- Add Door Knock directly on Map (App)
Resend Listings with Changed Price or Status through Buyer/Seller Alert (Web)
1. Buyer/Seller Alert will resend listings with changed price or status that matches the search criteria.
2. When you’re editing a Buyer/Seller Alert, you can see the percentage change in price and the date of status change under the “Result” tab
Auto Seller Alert Creation (Web)
Auto Seller Alert will be created automatically even there isn’t any properties in the “Properties” Module. Before any properties are added, it will be under pending mode. Please add properties manually to activate Auto Seller Alert.
Edit Price & Unit for Properties (Web & App)
You can edit "Unit" and "Price" value when adding or editing a property.
Create Multiple Properties When Adding a Lead (Web)
You can add a "Mailing Address" and multiple "Properties" when adding or editing a lead.
Choose the Sources for Lead Routing (Web)
You can choose the sources where you want to assign leads through lead routing.
Guidance for New Users of Dialer (Web)
For new Dialer users, we will provide a guide when you log in for the first time.
Users will see different feature introductions based on their Dialer package.
For Standard and Advanced users
For Professional/Accelerator/Enterprise/Unlimited Users
New Web Push Notifications User Interface (Web)
Web push notifications now have a brand new style and will be staying on the page for a longer time, ensuring you don’t miss any important information.
Add Reminder Settings for Task and Appointment (Web)
Dialer users can set reminders when adding or editing tasks and appointments manually. You can remind yourself or your team members by SMS or call. This function is synchronized with Lofty’s phone app.
Add Door Knock directly on Map(App)
You can add new Door Knock by tapping on the right location on the map.
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