Key Takeaways
- IMAP/SMTP Email Integration (Web)
- Lender - Invited by multiple Agent Teams (Web&App)
- Smart Plan Recurring optimization (Web)
- Allow Team Owner to Change Shared Lead to Private Lead (Web)
- Open House Optimization (Web&App)
- Grammarly setup guideline (Web)
- New email template for Property Alert, Market Report and Welcome Email, with better compatibility (Web)
- Improved appearance for Lead List Page (Web)
- Exclusion by Pipeline for Auto Property Alert (Web)
- Additional Fields on Lead List Page (Web)
IMAP/SMTP Email Integration (Web)
IMAP/SMTP email account can be integrated with Lofty now. We will support Godaddy webmail and Yahoo mail in this release. And more IMAP/SMTP email services will be available in the future.
Users can integrate their Godaddy webmails or Yahoo emails in Settings-Integration. All they need to do is to enter their email login credentials and server settings. We will have an article to instruct users in IMAP/SMTP server settings.
After integrating their IMAP/SMTP email account, they can send emails to leads directly from Lofty using their own email account.
Lender - Invited by multiple Agent Teams (Web&App)
One lender can be invited by multiple agent teams either as the Cost Sharing Lender or the Flex Plan Lender. In Lender CRM, lenders can check which agent teams they are collaborating with and how many leads have assigned to them. As well, each email notification will tell which agent team assigned the lead.
Lenders will also have the ability to check their agent partners and contact them directly in their app.
Smart Plan Recurring optimization (web)
Agents will have the ability to set the recurring repeat time to: Weekly, Monthly, except Yearly. This feature is only open for one recurring plan: the Specific Date.
Allow Team Owner to Change Shared Lead to Private Lead (Web)
Now team owner is allowed to change any shared lead to his/her own private lead. Before doing that, the owner needs to assign the lead to him/herself, clear the lender and assistant from the lead.
Open House Optimization (Web&App)
- Users can choose whether to send Welcome Email or Text to Open House registered leads now. And also they can choose the Lead Privacy.
- A lead can register on different Open Houses now. Their registered info will be updated in lead details page.
Grammarly setup guideline (Web)
We have added Grammarly, the writing optimization software to the Integration page. There you can learn how to add it to your browser.
New email template for Property Alert, Market Report and Welcome Email (Web)
New email template that works with dark logos and is more compatible with mobile devices.
Improved appearance for Lead List Page (Web)
Improved appearance for Lead List Page so you have a better experience with Mass Action. Feedbacks are appreciated.
Exclusion by Pipeline for Auto Property Alert (Web)
Set up ‘Excluded Pipeline’ before your lead import to avoid creating Auto Property Alert for past clients.
Additional Fields on Lead List Page (Web)
Pipeline column is now added to Lead List Page for fast switching of pipeline.
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