My Listings and Team Listings can be viewed on the Listing Discovery page. We collect your team listings using the License ID or MLS Agent ID field on the profile page of each member of your team. Some MLS systems do not provide an Agent License ID, so we can only match your listings by the MLS Agent ID. If your MLS does not provide either an Agent License or MLS Agent ID, then Lofty will not be able to collect the listings in one place for you.
Teams can switch to "Team Listing - Closed" in the Listing Discovery to view their Team's sold listings. The sold/closed team listings will be displayed but are neither searchable nor selectable. Additionally, the "Action" options are currently unavailable.
Add Your MLS Agent ID to your Profile
You can enter your MLS Agent ID in Settings-Profile. Your MLS Agent ID is commonly the Identifier you use as the username or login for your MLS system and may include letters, numbers, or a combination of both. This is different than an MLS Listing Number and may also be different from your NRDS ID.
You will add your MLS ID by searching by either name or email address and the options will then be populated for you to select from:
If you still can’t find your MLS Agent ID, please contact our support team.
MLS that do not provide Agent License or MLS Agent ID:
Central Jersey MLS (CJMLS)
Hudson County MLS (HCMLS)
Toronto Real Estate Board Serving Greater Toronto REALTORS® (TREB)
Hilton Head Island MLS (HHIMLS)
Real Estate Board of New York-RETS(REBNY-RETS)
Smart Listings
We have made additional changes to the way the listing discovery page works for the user. Smart Listings help you organize and find listings to share with your leads in a more convenient manner. For more information on this, click here.
Listings Discovery Page
The listings discovery page is located in the Listings tab:
When clicking on a listing, the listing details will slide out from the right side:
The user may click through Media, Details, Map, History, and Mortgage to see all of the listing information.
Click the 3 dots to open the listing page on the Lofty website:
Click the arrow icon in the middle to create a social media post:
Click the "..." icon to send the listing to leads, create a CMA, or create a text code:
When clicking the listing agent name, the user may email, call, or text the agent directly through the Lofty CRM, or click the agent's name to see additional information:
When checking the box next to a listing, the options menu opens on the top:
Here, you may select multiple listings to send to leads, create a CMA Tool / Lofty CMA, or create a Buyer Home Tour.
MLS Application Dashboard
If you have not yet submitted your MLS application, please see the Start IDX Website. You can review the progress of your MLS applications in your CMS Settings. The MLSs can be sorted by All, Awaiting Signature, MLS Processing, Lofty Processing, Incomplete Application, and Active, as well as by specific Agent, MLS, and application start time.
Sending your Listings to Leads
From the Smart Listing page, click the Actions menu and select Send to Leads to send the listing to your leads.
A pop-up window allows you to filter for the leads you want to send the listing to. You can send the listing via email or text message.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your Lofty CRM.
Related terms: share a listing
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