The SkySlope integration with Lofty allows you to export transaction details to SkySlope. Future improvements by both SkySlope and Lofty will potentially add features closer to two-way sync, though this is currently not possible with the present integration.
This article explains what the integration looks like in Lofty.
SkySlope Setup Process
1. Within SkySlope, click on "My Account" (make sure you are not on the "Admin Page") under the SkySlope menu icon:
2. Once in "My Account," click on the "INTEGRATIONS" tab. If you are unable to see this, please contact SkySlope Support to unlock the button.
3. Click the "Generate new key" button. An "Access Key" and a "Secret key" will be created and you will see a message similar to the following.
*If you do not see the "Generate new key" button, you may be looking at the integrations tab for your broker in the Admin section. Instead, you want the integrations tab for you and your account. Look for My Account under the SkySlope menu icon.
You can download your new keys by clicking the "Download Key & Secret" button. This is the only opportunity you will have to see the Secret key.
4. Click the "Close" button to return to the Access Key list. The new Access Key will show in the list.
If you wish a particular Access Key to be deleted, find the key in the list and click the "Delete Key" button. You will be prompted to confirm.
Lofty Setup Process
1. Navigate to to Settings > Features > Integrations > SkySlope > Connect.
2. Input the correct AccessKey and Secret then select "Save."
3. When connected correctly, this integration will appear in the "Existing Integrations" section at the top of the Integrations page. There is a button to disconnect should you need to do so.
How the Integration Works
1. Add a new transaction. To learn more about adding new transactions, please refer to this article: Transaction Management.
2. After the transaction is created, you can export the lead to Skyslope by clicking the three dots and then selecting the option to "Export to Skyslope":
3. If the lead has more than one transaction, you will have to select one to export.
4. The SkySlope Form will appear where information will be entered and then sent to SkySlope.
5. Once transferred to Skyslope, you can easily access this transaction in that system by clicking the link to “View in SkySlope”:
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your Lofty CRM.
Related terms: Skyslope
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