The Dotloop integration with Lofty allows you to not only import your leads into your Dotloop account but also create new loops that sync with Dotloop.
How to Connect Dotloop to Lofty
When logged into the Lofty CRM, click Settings > Integrations > Dotloop > Connect:
A new window will pop up and ask you to log into Dotloop. Click the "Sign In" button when you are ready to continue:
You will be asked to approve giving Lofty access to Dotloop. Click Approve if you would like to get this integration working.
Once connected correctly, this integration will appear in the "Existing Integrations" section at the top of the Integrations page. There is a button to disconnect should you need to do so.
How the Integration Works
First, you can go to the lead profile page and add a transaction for the lead. A lead cannot be sent from Lofty to Dotloop without a transaction associated with it.
After a transaction is created, you can export the lead to Dotloop by clicking the three dots and then selecting the option to "Send to Dotloop":
You can also send the lead/transaction directly to Dotloop from the transaction detail page if you happen to be working there:
If the lead has more than one transaction, you will have to select only one to send to Dotloop:
Once you have chosen the transaction, another window will appear that outlines everything that is being sent to Dotloop. You can also choose a specific Dotloop profile that you would like to send the transaction to as well as a Dotloop template that you might want to associate with the transaction:
Once transferred to Dotloop, you can easily access this loop in that system by clicking the link to “View in Dotloop”:
The option to view in Dotloop will also be visible on the transaction detail page:
A log will be added to the timeline of the lead profile documenting the transfer of data from Lofty to Dotloop.
Lofty to Dotloop
When transferring a lead to Dotloop, the following info will be exported to Dotloop:
- Transaction Name
- Lead First Name
- Lead Last Name
- Role (Lead Type)
- Phone
- Close Price
Whenever a transaction is updated in Lofty the following information will be updated in the corresponding loop in Dotloop:
- Home Price
Dotloop to Lofty
Any changes to the following will automatically be synced to Lofty every 30 minutes:
- Close Price
Q: What do I do if the export from Lofty to Dotloop fails?
A: One of the common reasons for this failure is due to access permission settings in Dotloop. To fix this, go to Dotloop > My Account > click Default Profile > choose Make Default and save. Make sure this is the default account that is integrated with Lofty.
If you still have problems exporting leads to Dotloop from Lofty, please contact our Support Team so that this can be looked at more closely.
Q: Dotloop integration supports pulling leads from Dotloop to Lofty?
A: No, it does not support two-way sync.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at <>, by phone at 1 (855) 981-7557, or by chat with us through your Lofty CRM.
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